The Creative Process: Messy and Magical

There is no single path to telling a particular story well. The same basic narrative can be a quick, unadorned trip from A to B or an elaborate journey with fresh perspectives along the way.  This can make getting started a daunting prospect. As a storyteller, you can stand paralyzed staring at a thousand forks in the road. Or, you can bask in the iterative process of travelling back and forth, exploring the many possibilities.

This same sentiment applies to any creative process. You either see it as messy, magical, or both.

Working with wood has become both a relief and complement to my communications work. Feeling and smelling different woods as you create something new awakens parts of the mind and body not used working at a computer. And yet the process of experimenting, looking at pieces from different perspectives and finding something as unique as it is universally compelling is similar to crafting a good story.

Rarely does a finished product of writing or woodworking come on the first try. There is a process of experimentation, trial and error, repeating and revising that makes any creation better. In my case, it takes a good deal of forgiving oneself for mistakes made along the way. Making tables, cutting boards and other furniture has reinforced a patience and trust in the creative process that has made me a better writer and communications professional. Here is a link to a few samples of things that have definitely been messy to make, but deeply satisfying to finish.

New life

Al’s favourite projects are ones that repurpose something discarded to give it new life. Douglas Fir – rock-hard and blue-brown from spending years underwater at

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Harrowsmith Magazine article

Like everyone living through COVID, Al’s family had the challenges of adapting for work, school and home life. They were blessed with the chance to

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