Communications Services

Full communications support for your team

Full-suite communications support for your team, including smaller companies or communications shops, industry associations and trades organizations. Effectively communicating inside your organization and to outside clients and customers is table stakes. Work with us to support your organization’s needs year-round, or on specific projects such as helping develop and communicate your organization’s new strategic plan. In-house communications teams are often the nerve-centre of an organization. But they often benefit from additional support to communicate specific projects or to help support the specific needs of their executives.

Executive Support and Profile Building

A CEO is an organization’s chief spokesperson. We advise, coach and help executives develop their own narratives in support of the organization’s strategic objectives.

Speechwriting & Presenting

We work with executives and communications leads to focus on the objectives/takeaways for remarks, reflect the individuals’ voice and turn it into a memorable singular story for the audience.

We draft and edit speeches and prep CEOs and Ministers for high-profile events, including news conferences and industry events.

No matter how well the speech is written, the speaker brings it off the page and makes it memorable for the audience. We provide the coaching and training to ensure any executive is equipped to knock their remarks out of the park.

Strategic Communications Planning

Every word counts when you are trying to be heard in today’s din of media. We make sure you deliver the right messages in the right places using the right tools to support your strategic goals.

Crisis Communications

When a crisis hits your organization, the clock starts ticking on whether you are managing the issue or it is managing you.

The adage that every challenge is an opportunity is never more true than when you have a captive audience watching to see how you and your organization respond under pressure.

Our experiences on both sides of several crises can help an organization demonstrate leadership when the outside world is watching. We can identify and help mitigate issues before they become a reality, or we can help turn those challenges into opportunities when the unexpected strikes.


Findlay et Al is proud to work with the Curious Public team as we deliver strategic and creative support for our clients.

Let’s chat.
Book an appointment with Al to tell your story.